S.I.C Vol 47 is released !!!!!
Its been a months since I update my blog, sorry guys, been busy with my gaming lately, haha.
Okay, back to business, the latest S.I.C vol 47 had been released in Msia, although the pricing is a bit high, around RM250++, its still a must have for all masked rider fans.

Masked Rider Den-O Climax Form
Masked Rider Den-O Climax Form is one of the strange design of masked riders but it still have alot of fans who actually like it.
Well, I am one of them, the form changes from Gun, Ax, Rod and Sword is soooo cool and stylish. I really like the design by Ando Kenji it really brings out the Den-O spirit, plus the articulation is perfectly done.

Front and Rear of Den-O Climax Form

RYU Force!!!


Climax Ax Punch!!!!!!

Wanna try out my Fist of Ax!!

Climax Rod Kick Form


Hmph!!! Ore sama wa CLIMAX da!!!
Urataros Imagin
As one of the four main imagin of Ryoutaro, Urataros takes the form of a turtle and always act like a pevert who talks dirty and likes gals. I never like the design of Urataros because I hate turtle kinda things.
Anyways, Urataros is full of accesorries like mirror, tea, fishing rods and a japanese fan.

Front and Rear of Urataros Imagin

Urataros Takara Mono

Come On!!


Kame - Hame KICK!!!!!

Fishing is my favourtie sports...hehe

Another Fishing session
Double Actions

Oretachi wa Sai Kyou da!!!!

Its been coming to one year of S.I.C Den-O series, and I believe it is coming to an end after the release of S.I.C vol 48 Masked Rider Gaoh and Kintaros. Hopefully the new rider series will be Kabuto....
Thanks for viewing, guys.